Computational Measuring Approach for the Identification of Probable Intestinal System Pathologies through the Human Iris Parameters
Iridology is the science that aims to identify certain human pathologies through human iris by using manual visual methods. These methods, although they are less invasive, are cumbersome. In this paper, a detailed description of the results obtained by applying an algorithmic approach for the automatic identification, calculation, and computation measurements of the key internal parameters of the human eye iris and specific organic pathologies related to the intestinal system is presented. Results evidence that using composition and basic segmentation of human iris, it is possible to execute propitious computational procedures for the determination of organic anomalies in the intestinal system.
The three objective pathologies: distended Colon, spastic Colon, and transverse Colon prolapse, in comparison with healthy Colon, were identified using the methodology developed. The results correspond to the implementation of an algorithmic approach for the identification of well-defined conditions in the intestinal tract.
The following improvements and future work are proposed: enlarge the images database to increase the diversity of cases and the fitting task of the pattern recognition algorithm, strengthen the biological and medical background to incorporate new iris features, and apply more robust algorithmic techniques to identify the human system pathologies through the iris. This would help in the improvement and implementation of more accurate diagnosis mechanisms used by iridologists.
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