
The scientific justification of the foundations of iridodiagnostics is due to the
presence of the most complex iridoorgan nerve connections in the body. In particular, the zones of the so-called Zakharin-GED, which are associated with the internal organs with the reflector, expressed by the external receptor areas on the skin and the colored curtain, are adequately based.

It has been found that the deformation of individual parts of the colored curtain and the appearance of various pigments in it occurs under the influence of pathological impulses emanating from the reflector, diseased organ and tissues. As a result of such an impulse, the tone of the colorant curtain tissue and its vessels changes, the known processes in it and, in particular, the pigment exchange are disrupted. This leads to a change in the density of individual parts of the colored curtain and the redistribution and “deposition” of pigments that the colored curtain is rich in.

The unique possibilities of iridodiagnostics also consist in the ability to determine the
importance of hereditary factors, which can be used in forensic medicine to determine
controversial paternity and motherhood, identification of an individual.

Research objective. Application of iridodiagnostics methods for expert assessment of
sudden death and constitucional-genetic characteristics of living individuals.

Research objects: forensic examination conclusions on the bodies of 172 individuals who died as a result of sudden and violent deaths, as well as Ta volunteers and some types of sudden (60) and violent deaths: 35-from BMJ as a result of yhh; 33 – from mechanical asphyxia as a result of hanging; 26 – from alcohol and drug poisoning; 18 – from the bodies of 172 individuals who died.

Practical results of the study :
– developed a “statement card of iridoscopy results” for forensic experts;
– expert criteria have been developed to assess the genetic characteristics of the colored
– it has been found that different types of colored curtains depend on human constitutive properties. It allows experts to solve the issues of identification of a person and assessment of the general state of Health, the commission on suitability for various specialties can use it;
– iridodiagnostic semiology has been developed for the practice of Forensic Medicine and criminalistics

Conclusion. Thus, the research of iridodiagnostics in forensic medicine makes it possible to increase the quality of forensic examinations being carried out, as well as the deadlines for their execution, which, undoubtedly, increases the substantiation and evidential significance of forensic conclusions.

Turonov Bobur Sobir ugli

Republican Scientific and Practical Centre
forensic medical examination centre

June 14, 2024 Lisbon, Portuguese Republic Collection of scientific papers «SCIENTIA»

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