Machine learning techniques for medical diagnosis of diabetes using iris images
Abstract Background and Objective Complementary and alternative medicine techniques have [...]
Abstract Background and Objective Complementary and alternative medicine techniques have [...]
Abstract Iridology as a way of revealing human organs and [...]
Abstract—The use of eye for diagnosis for detecting the disease [...]
The article concerns a relevant issue that is a development [...]
ABSTRACT: Iris is one the important Biometric Identification technique and [...]
Abstract - Iris is one the important Biometric Identification technique [...]
ABSTRACT The iris scan is an automatic biometric identification method [...]
Anca Discant, Simina Emerich, Eugen Lupu and Sorina Demea 1st [...]
Abstract Arcus senilis is a whitish ring-shaped or bowshaped deposit [...]
Cancer is one of the top killer diseases in the [...]