Noninvasive non Doses Method for Risk Stratification of Breast Diseases

The article concerns a relevant issue that is a development of noninvasive method for screening diagnostics and risk stratification of breast diseases. The developed method and its embodiment use both the analysis of onco-epidemiologic tests and the iridoglyphical research.
Widely used onco-epidemiologic tests only reflect the patient’s subjective perception of her own life history and sickness. Therefore to confirm the revealed factors, modern objective and safe methods are necessary.

Iridoglyphical research may be considered as one of those methods, since it allows us to reveal changes in iris’ zones in real time. As these zones are functionally linked with intern organs and systems, in this case mammary glands, changes of iris’ zones may be used to assess risk groups for mammary gland disorders.

The article presents results of research conducted using a prototype of the hardware-software complex to provide screening diagnostics and risk stratification of mammary gland disorders.

Research has been conducted using verified materials, provided by the Biomedical Engineering Faculty and the Scientific Biometry Research and Development Centre of Bauman Moscow State Technical University, the City of Moscow’s GUZ Clinical and Diagnostic Centre N°4 of the Western Administrative District and the First Mammology (Breast Care) Centre of the Russian Federation’s Ministry of Health and Social Development.

The information, obtained as a result of onco-epidemiological tests and iridoglyphical research, was used to develop a procedure of quantitative diagnostics aimed to assess mammary gland cancer risk groups. The procedure is based on Bayes conditional probability.
The task of quantitative diagnostics may be formally divided into the differential assessment of three states. The first, D1, is the norm, which corresponds to the population group with a lack of risk factors or changes of the mammary glands. The second, D2, is the population group exhibiting risk factors including non-cancerous changes of the mammary glands. The last group, D3, is the population group actually suffering from the mammary gland disorders.

In order to retrieve statistically relevant results on the quality of developed procedure for quantitative diagnostics, the verified materials have been divided into the training group and control one.

To search for an informative complex of symptoms an algorithm of their search in Delphi software environment has been used. The choice of informative symptoms has been made using the informativity coefficient according to the Kullback metric. Since the computation of the Kullback informativity coefficient is possible only for two different states, the pair-wise evaluation of informativity coefficients I (D1/D2), I (D1/D3), I (D2/D3) has been performed.

The procedure of quantitative diagnostics was reduced to the evaluation of sickness probability for each symptom complex, encoded according to the onco-epidemiological test results, using Bayes formula of conditional probability.

Results of used procedure of quantitative diagnostics are based on the Bayes formula in the pair-wise modification using the informative symptoms with different diagnostic thresholds. The results showed that as a diagnostic threshold, the aposteriori probability of 0.9 is a reasonable value. Thus, the probability of right diagnosis will be 90%, the probability of wrong diagnosis will be 2%, and the probability of indeterminate diagnosis will be 8%. In case it is necessary to minimize the probability of wrong diagnosis, the aposteriori threshold value of 0.97 may be chosen. Then the probability of right diagnosis will be 84.4%, the probability wrong diagnosis will be 0.4%, and the probability of indeterminate diagnosis will be 15.1%.

The analysis of the check sample showed that in case of classification using the chosen threshold the error rates of the first and second kind never exceeded 10%, thereby allowing us to recommend the use of the developed technique for the risk stratification.

Therefore, the conducted research allows us to conclude that the proposed method to assess the risk group of mammary gland disorders is informative and prospective.

The evaluated method of the iridoglyphical research allows us to evaluate the microcirculation dysfunctions in iris’ zones that are neurotrophically linked with vegetative centres of the spinal cord. Thus, the use of iridoglyphical research increases the general sensitivity of the diagnostic process.

authors: I.A. Apollonova, D.A. Parpulov, V.A. Semikopenko

12, December 2014, reference:

Download full abstract: SE-BMSTU_Dec2014_504to520


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