Non-invasive laser therapy in complex restorative treatment of patients with peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum – 2007

Google translated, but very interesting dissertation on using non-invasive laser therapy on the eye. Could using laser on irido specific sections of the eye assist in healing? You decide!

Author of the research:
Alabaster, Alexander P.
Academic degree of:
Place of dissertation:
Specialties WAC code:
Regenerative medicine
Number of Pages:
Contents thesis MD Alabaster, Alexander P.

List of Abbreviations.



Chapter 1. LITERATURE.

1.1. Epidemiology BU.

1.2. Etiology and pathogenesis of BU.

1.3. Iridology BU.

1.4. Principles of treatment of BU.
Introduction dissertation (part of the abstract) on “Non-invasive laser therapy in complex restorative treatment of patients with peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcer”

In recent years, the system of medical disciplines was intensively developing a new area, called regenerative medicine, the basis of medical technologies which are physical factors, which, in contrast to drugs, have a softer, practice effects on different functional systems, increase their reserve capacity and practically have no side effects. Regenerative medicine studies the laws of the conservation and restoration of functional reserves rights through dynamic assessment and correction of its adaptive capacity. Direction is medical rehabilitation of sick people. A distinctive feature of the persons kontigenta is the presence of physical illness and irreversible morphological changes in organs and tissues. In the treatment of a leading role for the influence on the pathogenetic links of the disease, improving the functional status of organs and systems, clinical improvement and reduction of drug therapy, combating resistance to it [Razumov AN, 1998].

Undeniable contribution to the establishment and development of regenerative medicine have made ??successes of physiology, biochemistry, immunology, and other related and science in the study of the laws of conservation and restoration of health, the study of the processes of adaptation and natural aging of the body, the development of improved methods of diagnosis and correction of premorbid functional state of the person. The concept of restorative meidtsiny successfully developed through the development of various medical schools, led by Academician VP Kaznacheev, KV Sudakov, AB Pokrovsky, NF Izmerov, VA Ponomarenko, AI

Finger, NP Bochkov, JM Lopukhin VN Yarygin, YP Lisitsyn, HA Aghajanian., VA Tutelyanom., TB Dmitrieva and others, and provides for rehabilitation in patients suffering from both functional and organic diseases. In the process of restoring lost function, a clear picture of the state regulatory mechanisms inherent in the healthy and diseased organism.

In these types of rehabilitation and recovery activities are the processes focused on “awakening” agitation of the body’s defenses and complete recovery, based on the provisions of adaptive medicine. The object of reducing exposure in this area is to reduce the possibility of back-regulatory body, the purpose – the restoration of disturbed functions and lost health to conduct a full-fledged production, social and personal life, slowing aging, premature mortality, morbidity and disability in the population, an increase in the average duration and quality of life the demographic situation in the country.

Correction technology of regenerative medicine include an arsenal of traditional and modern health treatment methods, among which are widely used natural and preformed physical factors, and therapeutic diets, herbal medicine, aromatherapy, reflexology and therapeutic bioenergoin-formation and other effects.

Among these methods the impact of special interest are the various methods of physiotherapy, including technology using laser energy, as this area of regenerative medicine is actively expanding both in terms of developing new methods of laser irradiation, and extend the scope of their application.

Now great scientific and practical interest is the area of regenerative medicine, which looks at changes in the topography of organ marks the iris, not only as a kind of integral reflection of the functional state of various organs and systems [ES Velhover Romashov FN, Alekseeva AN 1981, Alekseev VF Loginov AC, 1988; Shulpina NB, 1990; Velhover ES, 1992], but also as an object of correcting their condition resulting from exposure to certain areas of the iris [ Kozlov VI, Molebny VV, VA Buylin etc., VI 1990, Berman AA, Efimov AA, 1996].

Progress was made in this area. Shown that certain areas of the iris in some way associated with certain organs and functional systems. So, for consistency in the functioning of the body of sympathetic and parasympathetic systems, the standalone ring, which normally shows a flat line gear. Area of skin located on the periphery of the iris and reflects detoxification capabilities of the organism (excessive accumulation of toxic substances and toxins delay in the body leads to the appearance of a dark or black smoke, so-called dystrophic, the rim in the area, indicating the reduction of blood flow in organs and tissues , segmental associated with the area of skin. medially from the projected area of the skin and lymphatic system in healthy people with well-functioning lymph vessels and nodes, it looks clean and evenly colored. addition, each body corresponds to a certain sector of the iris (now known for more than 30 projection schemes), in which there are certain changes in the pathology of specific organ [Velhover ES Shulpina NB, Aliyev Z. et al, 1988; Krivenko VV Potebnya GP , Lisovenko GS et al, 1990]. established that in certain diseases of changing the structure of iridology signs. For example, cardiovascular disease is the most characteristic feature of the local autonomous bulging ring in the projection of the heart and aorta (Sector 9 ~ – 9 right and 2 ~ – ~ 3 hours left iris), renal diseases in sectors 5 – 6 – on the right and 6 – 7 ® on the left appear razvoloknenie and different in size, number, shape and depth of the gap (and, in patients suffering from nephritis, lesions are usually bilateral and unilateral pyelonephritis, in the form of one or more of the small size of the gaps, often projected to the periphery of the ciliary – belts, with biliary dyskinesia violated parallel tra-bekul adaptation to the presence of rings in Zone 7 – 8 – and pigmentary tracks in Sector 7 ~ – 8 ~ on the right iris with the appearance of age spots laterally and below the ring with different autonomous color intensity when a calculous; cardial-tion sign of strain duodenal bulb is an autonomous local retraction ring in sector 5 ~ – 7 – on both sides [Alekseev VF Loginov AC, 1988; Drozdetsky SI Miroshnichenko, NB, Rumyantsev, TI, 1990, Konovalov Vladimir Antonov, AA, 1990; Lagutina LE, MP Terentyev, 1990]. Finally, physiologically said restructuring means more light energy activity expanded at a portion of iris, the projection associated with the affected organ [Velhover ES Shulpina NB , Aliyeva ZA et al, 1982; Alekseev VF Loginov AC, 1988].

If successful, the treatment of the dynamics of a number of signs iridology is quite reliable. Thus, regular wiping sun and air baths, loading-dietary therapy, particularly in patients with food allergy, sauna promotes partial or complete disappearance of the endogenous toxic as hyperpigmentation spots, lymphatic rosary on the iris, enlightenment dystrophic rim, reducing gaps in projection areas of the gastrointestinal tract, reduce the intensity of slagging Autonomous ring [Krivenko VV Potebnya GP Lisovenko GS, 1990; Velhover ES, 1992, Alabaster, AP, 1993].

One of the most interesting in terms of both research and practice is the problem of the use of the labile nature of the iridium-marks to assess the functional reserve capacity of the body systems and their management through to target different areas of the iris with gastroduodenal pathology.

In this regard, considerable scientific interest in recent years, scientists began to attract a non-invasive laser iridotherapy, consisting in the photoactivation of individual elements of the light beam iris for therapeutic purposes. Exposure to visible light is artificial organs and systems of the body through the visual analyzer, the central nervous system [Lugova AM, 2003]. However, scientific publications on the subject, isolated and scattered, although the promise of this approach is obvious. The few publications on the subject, the study is limited therapeutic effect of laser therapy in experimental studies, and against the simultaneous use of other physical therapy methods of exposure. VI Kozlov et al. [1990] show the slowing of the heart rate zone during photoactivation of the heart and faster healing of skin cut wounds under the influence of the laser on areas of the skin, spleen, and thymus of the iris in rabbits. In laser iridotherapy reflexogenic zone of organ tricks iris marked correction of microcirculation in patients [Kozlov VI, Herman OA, GA Azizov et al, 1990]. DV Belyshkin [1990] used the local impact of modulated music melody, the light beam on the cortex of the brain for the treatment of insomnia. High effectiveness tsvetoimpulsnoy iridotherapy treatment of psycho-emotional and vegetative disorders in women with climacteric syndrome in treatment of patients with neuroses and neurosis-like states, which reduces the doses of drugs to deepen psychotherapeutic effects, reduce treatment time, increase the remission [Lugova AM, 2003] . In a few papers devoted to the laser PUD, there is more effective treatment of the disease using iridotherapy. However photoactivation area representative duodenal iris is then carried out with the simultaneous application of drug, cutaneous laser and acupuncture [Berman AA, Efimov AA, 1996].

Thus, as a model for this group of diseases is advisable to choose a stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer. This approach is due to many reasons.

First, BU and stomach cancer is the most common disease among the diseases of the digestive system that affects primarily young and middle-aged and have no tendency to decrease [Chernin, VV, 2000]. Frequently relapsing course, the severity of complications and a high percentage of patients with disability forces scientists to refine the etiopathogenic aspects of BU to develop new and improve existing treatments [YV Vasiliev, 2003]. The modern concept of treatment involves the use of multi-ulcer drug regimens and long-term prescription drugs, using mainly en-tihelikobakternyh and antisecretory drugs [Grigoriev PY, Yakovenko EP, Ivashkin VT, 1999, Lazebnik LB, Vasilyev, Y., Grigoriev PY et al, 2003]. Meanwhile, large-scale studies have shown poor performance based solely on drugs, the approach to the correction of functional disorders of the digestive system [Vasilenko Vladimir Voloshin, VE, 2005]. In addition, the use of pharmacological therapy often leads to unwanted side effects [Chernin, VV, 2000, Konev Yu, 2005; Khomeriki NM Khomeriki SG, 2005]. Can not be discounted and pharmacoeconomic aspects of modern conventional anti-ulcer therapy [Tkachev AB, BC Devlikamov, Sokolova E. et al, 2002; Titov HH, Devlikamov AD, TA Devlikamova et al, 2003; Kasyanenko VI, 2004].

Second, GU and DU in its etiopathogenetic featured are various diseases that have common features, and the specific features that are very interested in studying the structure and topography iridoznakov and their dynamics in the course of treatment.

Third, despite some progress in the physiotherapy treatment of these diseases, many issues are still far from being solved. In recent years in the treatment of gastroduodenal ulcer area of physical therapy methods increasing popularity of laser therapy. To achieve the therapeutic effect, including ophthalmology, used mainly light of red (with penetration up to 2-3 cm) and infrared (with increasing depth of penetration of up to 6 cm) ranges [Illarionov, VE, 1990, M. Abramov V. Egorov, EA, 2004]. These positive effects caused by low-intensity laser radiation, as the improvement of the rheological properties of blood, stimulation of metabolic and immune processes, anti-inflammatory [Novikov VF Onuchin PG, PP Potekhin et al, 1991; Alekseeva MI, Serebryakov, SN, Minenkov AA, 1996; Filimonov PM, 2005] attracted the attention of many experts. However, most of the available treatments are either invasive (endoscopic, intravenous) [Aliferovich OA, Gordinsky HA, Levine GJ, 1990; Leibov MI, 1996], or transcutaneously through exposure semiconductor lasers [Sidorov VP ., 1998, IV Pisarenko, 1999], which limits the range of indications, causes some discomfort because of cumbersome equipment.

Fourth, research on the iris and its photoactivation laser action has not yet been carried out.

The idea of the effects of focused on individual elements of the iris beams of light for therapeutic purposes was made at the International Conference on iridotronike, held in 1980 in Czechoslovakia. The basic premise of this new direction in the treatment of diseases are [Kozlov VI, Molebny VV, VA Buylin et al, 1990]: ontogeny and phylogeny formed neuro-trophic relationships between individual loci iris topography and corresponding internal organs, as well as Dianne cephalad-brain structures, the appearance of the iris stable signs showing the pathology of internal organs sensitivity neuro-pigment iris-vascular complex, the ability mediated by photoactivation Organos-petsificheskih loci iris and related diencephalic brain structures of laser energy-information correction functions of internal organs.

The mechanisms of these phenomena are extremely complex and not yet fully understood. It is known that a rich network of nerve endings iris, formed the three major nerves (sympathetic, parasympathetic, and trigeminal), has a relationship with visceral centers of the brain, and through them to the internal organs. In the formation of the pathological focus, in particular, the ulcer in the gastroduodenal area occurs increasing the flow of impulses, which focused on the impact on a particular segment of iris. There disharmony autonomic nervous system, fragmentary weakening and loss of sympathetic and parasympathetic function of the eye muscles, which eventually causes the neurotrophic changes in the relevant section of the iris. Entering the eye for peripheral (iridium retikulovistseralnomu) how light pulses initiating end trigeminal nerve and receptors embedded in the iris melanocytes, are held in the reticular formation of the brain stem.

Coming to this level, located on the central regulators of the internal organs (called organotsentrov) energy and is a source for bioenergy “charging”, the activation of regulatory centers of the internal organs, including stomach and intestine [Velhover ES Shulpina NB, Z. Aliyeva, 1988; Krasnopeeva IY, Sizykh TP, 1998].

Rehabilitation treatment, in this case, is aimed at restoring the balance between the processes of excitation and inhibition in the central nervous system, the elimination of violations of the neurohumoral regulation of the digestive system, increasing the functional reserve, compensation of impaired functions, secondary prevention of diseases and their complications, and, ultimately, restoration of reduced work functions or return limited capability against the partial failure of health.

At the same time, an important role in the pathogenesis of GU and YABDGZH belongs immunological changes in the body, especially in the torpid, recurrent course of the disease [Chernin, VV, 2000; Podoprigorova VG, 2004, Filimonov, PM, 2005]. However, there are only a few publications on immunokorrek-tion with ulcerative lesions of the gastroduodenal region [Alekseev, MI, Minenkov AA, 1996; Abdullayev, RB, 2002]. Therefore, the task of normalization of immunological changes in the body in patients with ulcer by extracorporeal laser irradiation on immunocompetent organs is very relevant and promising.

For direct exposure elements eyeball helium-neon laser developed and used a special device, such LOT-01, duly registered by Ministry of Health of Russia and approved for use in the Russian Federation [Abramov, MV, Egorov EA, 2004 ].

This work aimed to study and develop the methodological principles of integrated noninvasive low-intensity laser therapy to improve the treatment of patients by influencing the BU zone representation of the stomach, duodenum and iris on immunocompetent area transcutaneously.

The paper had the following objectives:

1. Analyze the diagnostic value in patients iridoznakov BU and their lability during treatment.

2. Develop technology differentiated integrated use of noninvasive laser therapy in the zones of the iris and transcutaneously ulcer patients with different localization of gastroduodenal ulcer in the area.

3. A comparative study of the effectiveness of the developed method of laser therapy on the clinical condition, the state of the autonomic and immune systems in patients with GU and DU.

4. Develop the indications and contraindications for the use of complex non-invasive laser therapy developed technique.

5. Estimate, according to follow-up analysis, the effectiveness of laser therapy and sustainability of results of treatment of patients with relapsing BU.

To solve these problems were the clinical, endoscopic, electrophysiological, morphological and immunological methods and iridology examination of patients.

Work done at the Department of Internal Medicine Propaedeutics (head – MD MA Butov), at the Department of Pathology with the course of Forensic Medicine (Head of Department – Professor, MD, PA Chumachenko) Ryazan State Medical University named after academician IP Pavlov, based on the 2nd gastroenterology department MUZ “4th Clinical Hospital” Ryazan.

Provisions for the defense:

1. The use of individualized comprehensive method of laser therapy in patients with gastroduodenal ulcer area enhances the effectiveness of the treatment of the disease with the acceleration of healing of the ulcer in patients with GU an average of 25%, has no side effects and is relatively expensive.

2. Laser help accelerate ulcer scarring, especially when combined with drugs its use in patients older than 40 GU and YABDGZH over 50 years by 26% and 35% respectively.

3. Combined treatment with conventional (standard) and non-invasive medical laser therapy can shorten hospital stay by an average of 5 days and reduce material costs for treatment in 2 times.

4. Combined use of standard medical and laser therapy (CMT + KSLT) in patients with ulcer increases the duration of remission with a reduction in the recurrence of the disease during the year by 4.5 times in the localization of the ulcer in the stomach and 3.1 times – in the duodenal bulb.

5. Quantitative evaluation of iridology signs BU to predict the severity of the disease and the effectiveness of laser therapy in patients with severe (strong) reverse correlation between the group of patients with a number of symptoms for more than 7.

Scientific novelty of the study is that

1. First conducted a study on the relationship changing topography iridoznakov patients ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. In this case, a large set (strong) negative correlation between the total number of characters petsificheskih Organos-iris and the severity of the disease. Having more iridoznakov, especially in patients with mild GU therapeutic ulcers show different adaptive-protective capabilities of the body at different disease course and location of the ulcer.

2. A new method of non-pharmacological approach to the treatment of BU with the localization of the ulcer and the severity of the disease, including non-invasive laser treatment to the appropriate organ-zone of the iris and immunocompetent organs vitro, can significantly improve the effectiveness of treatment of this disease. After the combination, compared with the standard drug, pain therapy in patients with GU was arrested by 10.7%, dyspepsia – by 17.6%, palpation pain – 1.7% faster, and the localization of ulcers in the duodenal bulb – 0.6%, 2.8% and 16.5% respectively. Under endoscopic control showed a significant increase in the rate of gastric ulcers scarring 1.3 times with increasing speed Rubles tsevaniya 0.54 mm / day in patients with GU over 40 years and by 0.52 mm2/sutki in patients older than 50 years of PUD treated simultaneously laser and drug therapy. With an overall rate of recurrence in patients during the year decreased by 4.5 GU and DU patients – 3.1 times.

3. The criteria of forecasting effectiveness of laser therapy, depending on the initial state of the iris, autonomic tone and location of the ulcer. Marked dependence of the efficiency of laser ulcer of the total number of diagnostic iridology signs with highly significant correlation between the effectiveness of laser therapy and the presence of total iridology signs ulcer treatment with the best results in the localization of ulcers in pyloro-antrum, and the front wall of the lesser curvature of the duodenal bulb. The “impoverishment” iridologiche-ray pattern suggests an unfavorable course of the disease, indicating that tolerance to therapy. Moreover, the lack of adequate response from the autonomic nervous system (ANS) in response to laser therapy to the lack of normalization of autonomic balance with a trend toward eutonii also suggests a low efficiency of the proposed method of treatment BU.

4. The combination of laser iridotherapy with transcutaneous laser effects on the projection area of  immunocompetent patients with ulcer increases the effectiveness of treatment compared with standard medical therapy.

5. The mechanism of therapeutic action of laser therapy is the acceleration of ulcer healing by normalizing the adaptive-defensive reactivity with decreasing autonomic dysfunction and improve the performance of both cellular and humoral immunity to increase the relative amount of plasma cells and lymphocytes mezhepitelialnyh in the gastric mucosa.

6. Defined medical and social significance of therapeutic measures in patients with ulcer using non-invasive laser treatment technologies with a reduction of temporary disability by an average of 5 days, the material costs of treatment in 2 times and the severity of the disease with a decrease in the frequency of exacerbations in patients with relapsing earlier BU for year.

The theoretical significance of the work is in-depth view of the possible use of non-pharmacological treatments for BU.

Scientific and practical significance

Results of the study are of great scientific and practical importance to improve the effectiveness of restorative treatment of gastroduodenal ulcer, allowed to develop and implement a practical healthcare new way to treat stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcers, reducing time scarring ulcers (for 5 days), lower costs drug therapy 2 times (for 27 rubles. per day) and increased the remission up to a year or more in 56.9% of patients with relapsing disease. offer a diagnostic study of the iris, which has sufficient accuracy and ease of use, when used in routine clinical practice, in order to predict the flow and cure acute ulcer. determine the optimal treatment of patients, depending on age, location and condition of the ulcer autonomic tone body (use laser therapy in patients with older age groups, with the localization of ulcers predominantly piloroantralnom department, the front wall and the lesser curvature of the duodenal bulb, relapsing disease course and severe autonomic dysfunction of the body with a predominance of parasympathetic effects). Methodological approaches to assess the adequacy of laser therapy (increase sympathic in determining autonomic tone by any of these methods – the vegetative indices Kerdo, elektrokoagulo and elektrogastrogramma, standard vegetative CITO test and normalization of both general and local immunity as a result of treatment) to predict the effectiveness of rehabilitation that in a short time with minimal cost can be implemented in other regions in the medical treatment facilities (hospitals, clinics, health centers).

Implementation in practice

1. Patent ? 2147898 RU: A method of treating gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer / Ryazan State Medical University named after acad. IP Pavlov, aut. Inventions. AP Alabaster, MA Casks, NM Dunyazina. – Appl. 01.07.1997, ? 97111421/14, publ. 04/27/2000. Bull. Number 12.

2. The use of antacids in clinical practice: Methodological letter to doctors / Comp.: MA Casks, VF Hound Renko, AP Alabaster, NM Dunyazina, PS Kuznetsov. – Ryazan, 1997. – 5.

3. Standard autonomic tests as a way to predict, diagnose and monitor the course of peptic ulcer gastroduode-regional zones: Guidelines for students, trainees FPDO, doctors, hospitals / Comp.: MA Casks, PS Kuznetsov, AP Alabaster, NM Dunyazina. Ed. AC Lunyakova. – Ryazan, 1997. – 20.

4. A method of treating patients with gastroduodenal ulcer-tion zone using low-intensity laser radiation: Methodological Letter for Doctors Hospital / / Ed. MA Butova. – Ryazan, 2004. – 4.

The results of this work put into practice the following health facilities: “Physiotherapy Hospital, Department of Health,” in Moscow, “Gorodekaya Clinical Hospital ? 11 of the Department of Health” in Moscow, MUZ “Municipal Clinical Hospital ? 7” in Novosibirsk, MUZ “City Clinical Hospital ? 4 “Ryazan, to education department of Internal Medicine Propaedeutics GOU VPO” Ryazan State Medical University named after acad. IP Pavlov Federal Agency for Health and Social Development. ”

Publishing and testing. Dissertation on the subject published 36 publications, including in the international press – 1, in the central – 30 (including patent specifications – 1, monographs – 1, in magazines – 8, in the proceedings – 5, in the Proceedings of Congresses – 13 and conferences – 3), in the local press -1, -1 guidelines, methodological letter – 2.

The main provisions of the thesis presented at:

Regional scientific-practical conference “Modern pharmacotherapy of internal diseases in old age” (Ryazan, 1994), the Russian scientific-practical conference “Actual problems of recreational therapy” (Krainka, 1994); XXI Scientific Session of the Central Research Institute of Gastroenterology (Moscow, 1994), the Congress of Gastroenterology Society of Russia (Moscow, 1999); XXX Scientific Session of the Central Research Institute of Gastroenterology (Moscow, 2003), the meetings of the Ryazan branch of the Russian Scientific Medical Society of Physicians (21/10/1997 g, 20.04.1999, G., 30.10.2001, the).

The conclusion of the dissertation on “Regenerative Medicine”, Alabaster, Alexander P.


1. In patients with ulcer is a significant change in the topography iridoznakov. Gaps were found in 98.5% of patients, independent retraction ring – in 88.9% of patients, liver spots – in 73.9% of patients, adjustment of the arc – in 47.7% of patients and Punctate black pigment – in 18.3% of patients . In this case, the percentage of the various diagnostic iridopriznakov patients with localization of ulcer in the stomach and duodenal bulb is virtually identical. However, in patients with mild GU disease course adaptive arc, reflecting the state of reactivity, the level and extent of adaptive-protective changes in the body, there is 16.5% more than in severe.

2. There is a significant correlation between the severity of the disease and for the quantitative analysis of organ-BU iridology signs. Revealed a correlation coefficient to -0.7 in patients with more than seven specific to BU iridopriznakov allows, with known accuracy, to predict, on the one hand, the severity of the disease, and the other – the reserves of the body (reducing total iridoznakov suggests likelihood of frequent recurrence formation in the field of gastroduodenal tolerance to therapy).

3. The use of combined noninvasive laser therapy in patients with GU improves the effectiveness of treatment of the disease with increasing speed scarring ulcer 0.5 mm2/sutki. As a result of this method of treatment showed normalization of autonomic dysfunction with decreased total body parasympathetic influence. After laser therapy in patients with gastroduodenal ulcer area found increase vegetative index Kerdo from -0.24 to -0.15, according elektrokoagulo the program is 1.4 times the growth rate observed in the retraction and 2.3 times fibrinolysis with increased fibrinolytic activity and fibrinogen levels by an average of 17.5%, the oscillation frequency of waves per minute, recorded during elektrogastro-graphy decreased an average of 0.4 with the rise of the general sympathetic curve 4,4 ± 1,02 to 5,0 ± 0,89 on the test card SVT CITO.

4. Effectiveness of laser iridotherapy BU stomach and duodenum is in direct proportion to the total number of characteristic of BU, iridology signs of illness indicative of adaptive-protective of the body. The increase in the total number of iridopriznakov disease involves a more efficient and appropriate response to our method of treatment. In patients with the presence of more than 7-iri doznakov positive trend with a decrease in the ulcer more than 2-fold after treatment was found in 88.9% of cases.

5. Specificity pathogenetic features BU in patients of different age groups suggests the most effective combination of low-intensity laser therapy on the proposed non-invasive technique in patients of older age groups. Compared with conventional medical therapy in patients with SUD after 40 years and after 50 years of PUD laser therapy is more effective 1.3.

6. The proposed method of treatment has a normalizing effect on the immunological reactivity, manifested in improving both cellular and humoral immune blood and immunomorphological shifts in GM. After laser therapy in serum significantly reduced the relative amount of Tc by 19% with an increase in the Tx

11% and the immunoregulatory index by 1.4 times. The total number was increased by 1.3 times. Increase in the relative number of plasma cells in the study of the cellular composition of the stroma of the gastric mucosa was noted in 1.8 times with a significant increase in the percentage of lymphocytes mezhepitelialnyh. Upon the occurrence of clinical and endoscopic improvement with treatment of monocytes in the stroma of the gastric mucosa was increased by 0.9%, indicating that the normalization of local immunity.

7. The maximum efficiency of noninvasive laser therapy for the proposed method in patients GU determined by the specific pathogenetic features BU at various locations ulcer dominated adaptive-trophic disorders in patients with GU.

8. The use of combination therapy BU (LIB + KSLT) reduces the frequency of exacerbations in patients with relapsing it over 3.8 times.

9. Combined treatment with the use of laser therapy GU has a positive economic effect, resulting reduction of material costs of medical treatment in 27 rubles a day and shorten the disability of patients on 5 days.


1. To improve the efficiency of treatment of gastro-duodenal ulcer of the standard treatment regimen should include a non-invasive disease laser therapy with simultaneous representation of the zones of the stomach or duodenum to the iris, depending on the location of the ulcer, and immunocompetent zone extracorporeal (paraorbital region, the root language and the thymus projection area).

2. To perform laser therapy to the use of helium-neon laser, generating a range of red light with a wavelength of 630 nm. Power photoactivation organospetsifiche-energy bands of the stomach, duodenum, and lymphatic system to the iris of 1.0-2.5 mW/cm2 for 1.5-2 minutes with increasing power and exposure time for x irradiation of immune zones up to 10 mW / cm and 1.5-2 – 5 minutes, respectively.

3. To identify the main pathogenic effects and treatment strategy of choice in patients with BU need to assess the severity of autonomic, immune disorders, diagnose infection with Helicobacter pylori.

4. To predict the severity of disease and the effectiveness of laser therapy BU patients before treatment should be studied iris to the quantification of iridology markers BU.

5. BU patients to predict the effectiveness of non-invasive laser therapy is necessary to examine the state of any of the proposed VNS tests over time as after a single laser iridotherapy and after treatment

6. To assess the immunological reactivity under the influence of a non-invasive laser therapy in patients with ulcer should be studied both humoral and cellular immune serum and immunomorphological study of gastric mucosa before and after treatment.

7. BU patients older than 40 years the standard medical therapy should complement noninvasive laser therapy “in our proposed method.

8. Lack of adequate response from the ANS in response to laser iridotherapy while there is a “lean” iridology picture is a relative contraindication for the proposed method of treatment.

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