Identification of Colon Disorders Based on the Iris Eye Image Using the Naive Bayes Method
The iris of the human eye is able to provide information about the colon (human) colon. Colon (colon) associated with the human digestive system associated with diet and excretion system in the body. Required a method of software development (computerization) to identify the condition of the colon through the iris image. The method used in this software is Bayesian Method. This method treats the iris image pixels according to the largest frequency, then calculates the probability of each category. This method will produce the probability value of each of the previously trained eye iris image pixels for use on the test image. The resulting test image will provide the greatest probability value that explains the category of certain colon conditions. The iris image database used is Ubiris V.1. This image database is a collection of grayscale images with size 200×150 px. The results of this study have errors of 37.5% with 25 correct data and 15 incorrect identification data from the total amount of 40 training images. Therefore, it can be concluded that the iris image test identification process to determine the condition of the colon (colon) to produce accuracy of 62.5%.
Erwin, Erwin and Fachrurrozi, Muhammad and Passarella, Rossi and Darmawahyuni, Annisa (2013) Identifikasi Gangguan Usus Besar (Colon) Berdasarkan Citra Iris Mata Menggunakan Metode Naive Bayes. In: Seminar Nasional FMIPA-UT 2013.Download
Full Abstract: fmipa2013_a6_erwinmuhammadfrossipannisad
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