V.E.Neyko, I.Ya.Gonsky, A.M.Prodeus
Ivano-Frankivsk Medical Academy.
Alternative Medicine Laboratory at the Department of Internal Medicine Propaedeutics.

“Only through the use of a value can be known
phenomenon. And knowing this first modest silenced, then
slowly spreading wider and wider until, until even
those who believed that knowledge lies, will not perceive it as
something quite natural. ”

The proposed group of authors the latest medical technology – iridogenetic typing allows already now take the opportunity with high-performance treatment and prevention, using the knowledge of the genetic constitution of an individual person. The information we receive in the processing of digital images of the irises person with a computer program “ESID-4.” After treatment in a doctor’s order includes information about organs and systems that have inherent weakened, as places with congenital or obtaining of toxic changes, areas for which there is a high probability nervous disorders or imbalances, which is also reflected in their performance. Moreover, these characteristics tend to have long-term, probably lifelong character, yielding only minor changes throughout life. With this information, you can proceed to the strategic planning of possible prevention of disease, and only when they are available – to a rational tactics recovery.

Iridogenetic typing – this new, proposed by us, the direction in holistic medicine. The purpose of it is in a deep study of the internal physiological and pathophysiological structure of the human body through a detailed examination of the structural changes in the iris. The iris contains information about the amount of genetic and the obtaining of the organism, and, the earlier in life we ​​study, the more we can differentiate amongst innate characteristics in pure form. In a simplified version iridogenetic typing classifies internal “architecture” of the body on three main criteria:
a) the structure, corresponding to a genetic weakness of the organ or system of the body;
b) structure, which correspond to the toxic load (endogenous and exogenous) in the organ or system of the body;
c) structure, which correspond to violations of autonomic regulation of the organ or system of the body;
And, of course, as a sub – their diverse mix.

Definition of medical clinical diagnosis by iridology we believe is not entirely correct the problem statement. But this technique has advantages for the vision of the whole body, with the definition of a strictly individual characteristics and the possibility of early and sighting correction. This knowledge is very important, as the treatment of the individual patient as well as for preventive measures in large groups of healthy people – valeological aspect.
Of course, the constitutional approach to treatment and prevention exist in classical homeopathy, and it is based primarily on visual, behavioral criteria, as well as the feelings of the patient (symptoms). However, with poor or no symptoms (in otherwise healthy people), the precise choice of constitutional remedy is problematic. In our method, the selection is based on accurate and stable criteria, to reduce subjectivity and presents the selection and appointment of homeopathic remedies, such as biotechnology, not only as an art of the individual doctor.

Further continuation technique iridogenetic typing is our proposed constitutional korektsiya using homeopathic organpreparatov. Organpreparaty producing several firms – are German «Heel» and «Wala» and Italian “OTІ” Swiss «Veleda», and perhaps others that we do not have any information. The organ, the group of which we are speaking (dynamized), are made of a variety of animal tissues grown in special organic farms. Produce them in the laboratory of specialized firms Biodynamic (homeopathic), the principle of strict compliance with all rules and regulations for products of this type. According to our data, the firm “Neel” produces 98 varieties organpreparatov, the firm “OTI” – 227 varieties, the company «Wala» about 240.
Our technique (patent of Ukraine № 39432A) is to select for each patient (based on iridogenetic typing) multi homeopathic correctors consisting of manufactured tissue matrix, which protect and heal the organs and systems of the body in which we celebrate the birth or the obtaining “inferiority.”

For prevention and treatment, we offer composite isopathic gomeopatizirovannye organpreparaty – strictly individual correctors, composition and quantity of which we select for each patient, based on the results that we get to iridogenokodu. Integral components of the preparations we used ready-matrix produced by the German company “Heel” called suis-organpreparaty.

Our purpose was to test the technique on the EFFICIENCY of a large contingent of people. Obtained very encouraging results, which will be the basis for a more rational prevention of diseases and their complications, and, for the most rational imunogarmonizatsii. According to our vision – a future immunization of the population necessarily must consider iridogenetic patient card, and its connection with the mandatory taking of individual homeopathic correctors will not only increase efficiency, reduce the actual number of possible complications, but will also be beneficial effects on non-specific tolerance of the organism as a whole.

For the last few decades has become a characteristic sharp increase in people with recurrent and chronic diseases. These trends can be seen against the background of a general increase in sensitization of the population and the number of medication complications. Because more than ever, the urgency of further development of individualized approaches to diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of patients for early detection of disease and timely treatment and preventive measures. Controversial opinion in relation to the specific immunization of the population, which now exists in the medical world, and in society as a whole, makes the search for a more rational approach to this is without a doubt a very important issue.
In recent years, considerable interest among scholars and among practicing physicians is looking for new safe and reliable methods for rapid diagnosis of diseases. The most promising should include topic diagnostic genetic weaknesses and diseases of the body by changing the structure and color of the iris – iridodiagnosis. It is known that the iris is the diencephalic part of the brain detects and accumulates changes in the genetic program of the organism. This allows for a comprehensive display of inherited advantages and disadvantages, to determine the vitality, and the nature and location of possible diseases.

Such information is difficult to overestimate in terms of preventive medicine and valeologii. But, despite the long history of iridodiagnostics, its methods of inspection, visual at its core, and remained dominant until now circumstance greatly restricts iridodiagnostics. That is, on the one hand, its Effectiveness in visual assessment mainly on the experience and qualifications of the doctor-iridology, and on the other – are not fully uses the potential opportunities that are inherent in this method. It turns out that despite the rapid development of technology, iridology is, unfortunately, more of an art than a science.

The obvious fact is that the further development of iridology as a science is possible only if a comprehensive and objective evaluation criteria iridology, the formation of massive databases of Computer danyh on different regions of the country, in the creation of standardized or interoperable computing to programs that would, ideally, on the pledged developmentin these algorithms. The important fact is that most people work in isolation, and the future, probably, for them closer co-operation. However, the theoretical and practical analysis of iridology method assures that the iris can be not only a “testing ground” for the diagnosis, but through the action of its receptor system may also be carried out and irido organ therapy. So, there are ways to light and laser iridotherapy. An interesting option of combining iridology and homeopathic types with appropriate homeopathic remedies and herbal medicine. With 16 years of experience in iridology, we concluded that the most appropriate option yavdyaetsya combination of iridology and isopathy.

Isopathy – Homeopathy is a therapeutic approach that has emerged in the process of its development and distribution. At that time, both the classical homeopathy acts according to the law of similarity, isopathy guided by the theory – are treated equally in equal – “aequalie aequalibus curentur”. Isopathy used not only to treat disease, but also for prevention – to strengthen the body’s defenses. From our point of view, the most promising group of drugs are called isopathic organ-specific drugs, or CAP, which are made from homologous organs of young animals (mainly used newborn pigs and sheep), including those from fetal tissue, grown in special bio-farms. [15]. CAP are mixtures of many substances that are of biogenic origin. Their personality is determined by species and organ specificity of the material, as well as the characteristic features of the biochemical, mineral and enzyme composition. Unlike nosodes, prepared from pathological material, OSB is made from tissues and organs only healthy, specially tested donors and their embryos. OSB preparation technology completely eliminates the possibility of a viable virus are functionally active proto no risk in relation to prion diseases. CAP used in medical practice in 2 main types: native and potentiate. In our case, we used only potentiate CAP, ie manufactured according to homeopathic principles. In our case, have been available and used suis-CAP firm «Heel».

Each of them includes – D8, D12, D30, D200 potency particular organ or tissue. Potentiate suis-CAP or contain all the main components of body tissues, where, together with the typical cellular components present in potentiate form connective tissue, interstitial fluid, lymph, basic substance, etc. Potentiate suis-CAP significantly different from native to its pharmacological and therapeutic effects. Ordinary (native) CAP has a direct biochemical action. Potentiation – mainly energy and information, which was later sold at a biochemical and functional levels. To potentiate suis-CAP is the main principle of dynamic regulation. In using them the action takes place not at the expense of protein compounds, and by the interaction of homologous structures patient’s body and the drug.

Thus achieved largely chemical-physical and energy-therapeutic. The main action and potentiate dynamized suis-CAP – the regulation of homologous organs. Unlike many other drugs, CAP does not have a stimulating or inhibitory action on the relevant authorities. Their action is based on the normalization of the homologous human body, they can be used both in hypo-and hyperthyroidism. In addition, organ drugs act as “guides” therapeutic agents in cases where it is necessary to send more targeted effects of some other drugs on homologous organs.

CAP helps to support homeostasis respective organs and tissues, including the extreme conditions of their operation (inflammation, tumor growth, chemical and environmental stresses, and radioactive anomalies and so on). They are, in general, increase the resistance of the organism to various pathogenic factors, increase its anti-tumor immunity and resistance against different viral and bacterial infections. According to numerous statistics from the world literature on the application potentiate CAP, they have no cytotoxic features, and have a strong protector and renewing effects on homologous organs and the human body as a whole, and are widely used in the world for the treatment and rehabilitation of patients with a wide range of disorders, including malignant tumors. Although tactics destination with more straightforward – “sick body – the corresponding CAP.”

One of the areas of alternative medicine lab Ivano-Frankivsk Medical Academy is to research, develop, implement, and individualization of the criteria of selection, complex composite homeopathic medicines created from gomeopatizirovannyh GSP, the number and combination of which is chosen according to personal iridology after typing. This new medical technology is patented in Ukraine from 15.06.2001 № 39432A. In fact, we are developing a system of individual non-specific immunomodulation future. To explain the method in more detail, we turn to the core of our invention, the core of which is based on two points:

1) Removal of information about genetic weaknesses and areas of the body where there is the phenomenon of so-called gomotoksikoza, by COMPUTER iridodiagnostics with fixing this information in digital media and their subsequent interpretation, that is, provide special iridogeneticheskogo typing;

2) Individual selection, the results iridotipirovaniya, individual composite drug (we called it the “OEM-drug”) to enhance features, and drainage, only the organs and body systems that are genetically weakened or ill;
That is, we test, assign and prepare for every person especially an individual complex, composite product, which is suitable only for him, with a marked immunomodulatory, or should I say immuno effect. It serves as a medicament and individual protector for the body, strictly considering all of its features. In the current version of the drug is intended for oral administration, although very interesting option combined with parenteral, especially in the treatment of severe degenerative disease. At this stage, for each patient to produce two drugs – “IKO-1” and “PPI-2.”

“IKO-1” – is a drug that has more “complementary” function. He aligns the inheritance and the obtaining of the weakness of organs and body systems. Take it to the individual scheme, subject biorhythmological cycles optimally on the growing moon. Drug “PPI-2” is more draining, (or should I say homotoxicological drug). He spends all toxic drainage deposits in the body, ie conducts elimination without catalysis. Take it as on the individual scheme, subject biorhythmology and best – on the falling moon.

The main focus of our work was to investigate the preventive efficacy of PPI drugs in healthy populations – students Ivano-Frankivsk State Medical Academy. This part has a clear Valeological orientation. The purpose of its prevention, both explicit and implicit pathological processes, reducing the incidence of complications in different pathologies, as well as monitoring and evaluation of PPI-effektovnosti used drugs at the level of organs and body systems. The work is long-term in nature and is designed for several years with the aim, as the dynamics of a variety of views iridoznakov and optimize selection “IKO-drugs”, which are, in our view, a universal correction of the human body, and deserve, after further study, the most widely used, for patients as well as in the first place, for a healthy contingent of people.

Materials and methods. Students IFGMA of 100 people, conducted the following surveys: EKG, chest x-rays of light, common blood and urine tests, computer spirography, studied immunological status. 50 students were held iridology examination with the selection and appointment of PPI drugs for preventive scheme. Device for iridodiagnostics consists of opto-mechanical, digital cameras, input devices and digitizing images, and computer software.

In our work, we used two computer program’s: “ESID-3M” and the program “IridoMIT” version 1.0. Allows you to record to memory Computer color images of the irises of both eyes the patient, keeping them in the game, hold iridodiagnosis using projection schemes J.Deck, Jensen and Velhoveru with printing results on the printer, hold iridotipirovanie with the selection of individual recipes, composites organspetsificheskih drugs – “IKO-1” and “PPI-2.”

The control group, also 50 no preventive measures are not undertaken. The survey lasted for 1 year to control every 3 months. In the study by J.Deck iridogeneticheskih types we have the following picture:

Lymphatic iris type was observed in 28 people (28%). People with this type of iris have a high reactivity of the lymphatic system, they are characterized by the weakness of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, trachea and bronchi, and the tendency to a breach of mucosal barrier function of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary bodies. According to our observations found that the increased reactivity of the lymphoid tissue was observed in 18 (64.28%). Tendency to disease of the digestive tract was seen in 26 people (92.85%) of this group and endorsements in hospital records, and the information of the family history. Urinary system diseases were observed in 12 (42.85%) out of the constitutional group.

Students with hematogenous type of iris was 22 (22%). Dany different type of increased frequency of diseases of the hepatobiliary system, endocrine disorders, reduced reactivity of the lymphatic system, susceptibility to diseases of the blood, particularly to anemia, as well as violations of the trace element balance. Clinically proven earlier liver and pancreas were detected in 17 people, representing 77.27% of the group. This is, as a rule, biliary dyskinesia, cholangitis, cholecystitis, holetsistopankreatity.

For neurogenic iridotipa characterized, above all, a tendency to increase the reactivity of the nervous system, the tendency to neurosis reactions, depression, nervous asthma attacks, to peptic ulcer and 12-n. cancer, as well as, rapid exhaustion of the nervous system. Our survey found that the number of students with the constitution was 31 people (31%). Of these, increased reactivity of the nervous system was observed in 28, which is 90.32% of the subgroup. Clinically proven peptic ulcers and 12-n. a history of ulcers occurred in 4 (12.9%), a tendency to bronhospastic reactions observed in eight students (25.8%).

Mixed iridogenetic type is characterized by congenital predisposition to enzymatic deficiency and detoxification of the liver, to cholangitis, biliary dyskinesia, liver toxicity. This type we found in 29 students (29%). Biliary dyskinesia clinically confirmed in 22 people, representing 75.85% of the sub-group in 3 (10.34%) – a history of viral hepatitis.

If the overall assessment iridogenetic particularly studied the number of students, it should be noted that the above figures may indicate only general trends specific to individual iridotipov in general, and only emphasize the necessarily more detailed, individual typing of each iris, and that we have been conducted. Observations of the students held us for 1 year. The group, which took PPI drugs are generally improved immunological parameters, the quality of life, which is expressed by a decrease in frequency of colds and upper respiratory tract disease by 21%. By the pathology of the digestive tract decreased uptake by the exacerbation of chronic gastritis and gastroduodenitis by 12%, and diseases of the hepatobiliary system decreased respectively by 16%. Exacerbations of chronic comorbidities in general decreased by 11%. During the experiment, it was noted an interesting observation – 91% of students with hematogenous and mixed iris during flu having prolonged disease course – 6-12 days with a constant low-grade fever about 37,3-37,7 ° C and with a long-term posleduyuyuschey asthenia ( up to 17-22 days). This clinical picture was seen for years and did not change either by treatment, or the type of influenza viruses. During treatment with PPI-medication in this group showed clinical change: the rise in temperature to 38,5-39,3 ° C, which is usually observed for 1-2 days, and the total duration of the disease was reduced to 3-5 days. Neither one of the students observed were noted postastenizatsii and any complications. From our point of view, this can be interpreted as increased non-specific resistance by how soft the impact of immunomodulatory effect on the most “needy” in this organ system and by cleaning the drainage impact matrix by using composites suis-organpreparatov firm Heel .

Iridodiagnostics boom that has swept the country in the late 80’s to early 90’s, has opened a new possibility of the method and revealed a number of significant methodological problems. Such across-the craze among doctors and “healers” was associated with quick diagnosis and good commercial returns. Moreover, in most cases, the question was put on the criteria of diagnosis of classical medicine. This approach assumes that diagnosis with a clear understanding of all parts of the pathological process of organ or system. Available today is a variety of medical diagnostics (laboratory, endoscopy, ultrasound, ECG, EEG, etc.) that serve to objectify pathology, describing in detail, mainly quantitative, morphological changes, and less functional. This information and the basis for the entire treatment process. Iridology this method is not in effect. First of all, there is no clear concept of normal and pathological conditions. May only speak of a more or less adapted individuals, and, on the broad scale kriteriev.Chtoby talk about the dynamics of the pathological process and the dynamics of iridoznakov, you should at least have a “starting picture”, ie iris image at the beginning of life, or, at least, before the development of the pathological process.

With a data bank (iris image) large numbers of people and watching the changes in life, one can speak of a speaker. Changes after short-term treatment, or fasting-diet therapy in the literature, such as “enlightenment zone”, “changing definition of trabeculae,” changes stains from dark yellow to light yellow, are quite subjective and it is subject to the non-standard conditions of observation, the unequal lighting, etc. According to many foreign and domestic authors, who conducted the dynamic observation of a relatively large cohort of patients, the dynamics of gaps and spots on the iris is quite small. A number of German Iridology (Kibler, Sterzing and others) believe that if local signs do not occur in a person’s course of life, it is likely, as the prints on the fingers, they are embedded in it from birth. Now dominating the world theory of predestination disease processes written in the genetic code, and extrapolated to the iris, makes great sense. It confirms the genetic patterns, as any individual carries inherited from ancestors merits and defects. Along with congenital organ marks the iris, a part of them is acquired, apparently in early childhood, to an estimated 10.8 years of life. At this time the maturation of the body, which, like the iris, feeling the effects of environmental stimuli massaged, while the chances of occurrence of local signs in the iris is more than enough. Again, to resolve this important issue should be carried out dynamic iridology studies in children from the first years of life. The modern development of printed and digital photographic techniques solvability of the issue would be real, and this started to practice alternative medicine, our laboratory at IFGMA.

There is another important issue that can not be avoided – the concept of the disease process and the stages of its development, which is under discussion for decades. Only recently, with the development of high-precision diagnostic techniques, including lifetime monitoring of the dynamics of morphological changes at all stages of development of pathological processes, a new perspective on the disease and the stage of its development, especially at the primary. If earlier it was thought that the premorbid period has only functional changes are not accompanied by organic, followed then only appear secondary morphological features, it is now recognized as the reverse point of view. The results of modern pathological studies suggest that no, even negligible, functional changes can not occur without the appropriate structural changes, which is the actual proof that there can not be any “purely functional changes,” or so-called “functional diseases”. It is likely that a set of tokens organic defects person receives, from both parents and early childhood under the influence of “pressure” external factors. This combination of hidden inferiority largely determines the vitality, and the nature and “schedule” of possible diseases. That is, the body is sick, usually in the “pathological field”, which is written in iridogramme. Therefore iridology as a policy should not act for making the classic medical diagnosis, and for those unique opportunities available to it:
* Evaluation of adaptation of the organism;
* The availability of diagnosis of systemic disorders;
* Streamlining diagnostic search and detail pathology
* Iridogeneticheskogo typing on markers such as dysfunction and homotoxicological changes;
* Selection of individual composite homeopathic medicines for the treatment and prevention of genetic diseases, disability and trends to them;

The last is particularly noteworthy because it directly correlates with the notion of a large defense system to Reckeweg, individual body resistance and immunity in general, in which the individual activities “inferiority” make quite a considerable dissonance.
The proposed new medical technology, of course, refers to a holistic, integrative direction in modern medicine. Iridology typing or iridogenokod person can now work effectively, given the genetics of the individual. Engage in effective treatment, and even more important – not less effective prevention. PPI drugs, have no contraindications or side effects.
We see that in a short time, these drugs will be included as a core in a variety of treatment regimens pathologies. They help children grow up without illness, adults – active life without diseases, and the elderly will give active longevity.
They perfectly combine both classical medical treatment and with any kind of natural therapy. Apply them can and should be, in both children and adults. The only obstacle is the impossibility of quality digital photography irises in children – not all children 5-6 years of age will be able to calmly look at the lens of eyes wide to photograph, but this is a purely technical problem, which is completely solvable.

This study was confirmed by the positive effect of the use of composites suis-organ preparations firm Heel, individually iridogenetic by typing. In his practice homeopathic CAP, which are part of preparations “ICO-1” and “ICO-2” we called informokorrektory, because along with this company it is possible to Use similar drugs of other companies that produce similar products.

The method has no analogues in the world. During use of the technique positive dynamics. So in about a healthy segment of the population: decreased incidence of viral upper respiratory tract significantly decreased the percentage of exacerbation of chronic diseases, and improved quality of life and the presence of pathology, along with a clear improvement in clinical and functional manifestations of the disease, there was a more rapid normalization of biochemical and immunological disorders . The introduction of the therapeutic and Valeological practice integrative approaches, and methods based on correction individualnnoy gomeopatizirovannymi organ preparations, methods of initiating and not overwhelm the body supporting immunological reaction is an important step in achieving a new level of health among the chronically ill, as well as a unique preventive and medical direction, and deserves the most widely used.

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