Iridology Analysis Pro Results Generator
This generator was developed for iridologists and health professionals who may find it difficult explaining results from the Iridology Analysis Pro software. The analysis result terminology used in this software is based on Russian medical terminology and many individuals are unfamiliar with this type of terminology.
For example, how would you explain these sample results to your patient or client:
“Blood supply in a. Carotis communis dextra system is decreased – Arteria carotis communis”
“Disturbance of vegetative regulation of organic genesis”
“Difficulty in juxtaposition and analysis of complex visual patterns”
“Hemodynamics in a. Carotis interna sinistra system is decelerated”
“Past otitis or eustachitis residual”
In the Iridology Analysis Pro final analysis report, there are 153 possible results that are based on both the software’s automatic detection system and manual selections of various signs in the iris.
There are 87 manual based selections of iris signs, leaving us with 66 possible automatic analysis result datasets that are primarily based upon pupil deformations, decentrations, and multiformaties.
As a matter of fact, the first paragraph of the software results is from the software’s automatic detection of pupil analysis. It is very difficult for any human to accurately analyze-diagnose the human pupil and why this software can greatly assist us in accurate analysis of the pupil.
There are four steps to the analysis result generator:
Step 1: Clinic-Practitioner details, patient-client information, iris photos and history. The email address used for your iridology research membership registration will be automatically applied. This email address will receive the generated results in both HTML and PDF document. It is possible to change the receiver email address as well.
Step 2: Iris density and Constitutional Type and Subtypes. The constitutional typing in the Iridology Analysis Pro software is limited to three constitional types and 12 different subtypes. I have expanded this to 34 constitutional types and subtypes, included explanations and homeopathic constitutional therapies.
Step 3: This section contains alphabetical lists all the possible analysis result data. If the result data information starts with “A”, then it will be listed in the first section that displays all data that starts with “A”. These sections are divided in five alphabetical sections to locate them more quickly.
Step 4: Dietary Recommendations, Additional Notes, Additional Recommendations. There are currently 56 recommendations listed. I will list these recommendations in a new topic. Feel free to recommend any additional recommendations and I can add them to the report generator.
Important notes:
1: All fields are optional. Only work with the fields that you want to add to your final report.
2: You must drill down in each analysis topic to be added to report. This does take some extra time but is required to print all associated topics.
3: All recommendations are from valid clinical studies with references. References can be found in the Integrative Iridology Medicine Compendium.
4: Be sure to use the correct email address in step one to receive the completed analysis report. If you do not receive your completed report, please check your spam folder.
If you are not a member of and would like to test the Iridology Assessment Generator, please contact us and we will send you a link to the assessment generator for your review.