Feature Extraction For Application of Heart Abnormalities Detection Through Iris Based on Mobile Devices
Abstract: As the WHO says, heart disease is the leading [...]
Abstract: As the WHO says, heart disease is the leading [...]
Abstract: Arcus senilis is a whitish ring-shaped or bowshaped deposit [...]
Authors: Ramlee, Ridza Azri1; Ramli, Abd Rahman1; Hanafi, Marsyita1; Noh, Zarina Mohd2; Khmag, Asem3 [...]
Ka-Hye Choi1, Young-Bae Park1,3, Min-Yong Kim1,2, Young-Jae Park1,31 Department of [...]
Russian Translation (download full abstract below): Annotation of a scientific [...]
UDC 617.7-071.2Ukolova ES Student Likhogray L. I. Student Supervisor: Urbansky [...]
Çetin Kurnaz*, Burak Kürşat GülDepartment of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, [...]
Author:Yu, Tania Weidan Citable URI: http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/119548 Other Contributors:Massachusetts Institute of [...]
Original Article The Journal of Korean Medicine 2018; 39(2): 56-63. [...]
Enrique V. Carrera Jennifer Maya 1.Departamento de Eléctrica y ElectrónicaUniversidad de las Fuerzas [...]